28 Jun Samuel L. Jackson Is ‘Fury’ous…
Uh – not really.
As reported in part by MASHABLE:
Samuel L. Jackson Is ‘Fury’ous Over A Misplaced Eyepatch In the Latest Spider-Man Poster
Jackson, like every character he has played on-screen in his career, has portrayed Fury with all his heart and talent. Jackson has played the character for over a decade. So, it’s not like he went for the photo-shoot for that particular poster with the eye-patch on the wrong eye. However, apparently, the designer has lazily flipped his image for the poster and that’s why it looks like Fury is wearing the eye-patch incorrectly.
Fans didn’t mind this continuity error as they were laughing at Jackson’s over-the-top reaction to this mistake in the Spider-Man: Far From Home poster.
Uhhhhhhh, What In The Actual FUCK IS GOING ON HERE???!!! #headsgonroll #lefteyemuthafukkah
In reality?
No need to worry. He’s just Jules’n us.
We should all be more concerned about “saying WHAT too many times…”