One of the most famous Barbie and Ken commercials didn’t include Barbie and Ken!
Google "Nissan, Barbie and GI Joe" - and the whole page of results are YouTube videos and story lines about the commercial....
Google "Nissan, Barbie and GI Joe" - and the whole page of results are YouTube videos and story lines about the commercial....
Although, committing memories to social media, or the internet broadly, is still the best tool available for adding our influences to public record....
We lost a good one this week Enjoy the next "Big Adventure" Pee-wee....
I have been listening to my music favs for a few decades...
“We are not part of the subculture—we are part of the culture!” Andy Warhol helped ensure that that was possible for the Velvet Underground. Effectively acting as an impresario to the group, the Pop artist laid the groundwork for the band’s first record deal and greater media attention....
"Homer originated with my goal to both amuse my real father, Homer, and just annoy him a little bit," he told EW. "My father was an athletic, creative, intelligent filmmaker and writer, and the only thing he had in common with Homer was a love of donuts....
Some of my favorite bands just made me love them even more! MontyPython and the Holy Grail was made possible by personal investments by Led Zeppelin, Pink Floyd, and Jethro Tull....
I saw Joseph Arthur for the first time at Alpine Valley opening for Perle Jam's 25th Anniversary concert. His performances are insightful. Especially this song....
On Thursday Epic decided without warning to begin offering its own payment service for Fortnite players, with a 20% cut in cost if they decided to bypass Apple’s in-app purchases....